Guess whose gonna need a whole other funny hat in two weeks?
Bust out the
motarboard the silly girl herself has been placed with her partner and with any luck she will be graduating Aug 6th.
Can believe how fast she went through the phases. One week she is repeating phase 3 then she was in 5 and now she is in class. Breaks my heart, we were hoping to keep her. Now comes the waiting game. Tamika was placed twice before she was dropped from the program. Anything could happen....(biting my nails....)
You worry about who has her, will they love her like we loved her? Will she go far away? and most importantly will she be having fun? We got into this gig to raise a dog that would help someone, and yet along the way it also became about the pups and helping them fulfill their own destiny -- they all have great things to accomplish in their lives, and for a brief moment we were privileged to be part of that.
Like kids I guess you need to let them go off and see the world, while it breaks our hearts to say it
Bon Voyage, Truffie - and don't forget to pack you party hats