Monday, October 11, 2010

brothers and friends

Our club had an outing this Saturday, there was a Police K-9 dog fair over in Glendale. Lots of booths, dogs and heat! We've gone from 65 degrees and raining to hot sunny 90 degrees, global warming? I can't explain it 
except to say eat dessert 1st you never know when world is coming to end.

 So this big guy is Diesel he belongs to my group leader, he is a 145 lbs and growing. We're buds, I had him down by the throat and he didn't even take it personally, believe it or not he is only 11 days older than me! 
He has a big sister at home her name is Gracie who is bigger than he is.
This little guy is Ross

 You might recognize him from this shot. Being so stinkin' cute he got his pic in the latest edition of guide dog news
These two pics came from funday where he was like 9 weeks old
And here he is at the ripe old age of 5 months.
But ya'll might notice that besides being dashingly handsome, he's just as big as I am. 

Ross, brother Zeb, and ME!
 Bigger or not I'm still the smarty pants of the group, you'll notice in our group picture, I'm the only one who got her gentle leader off. 
 Here is a human friend
 Mom made me put in a picture of the fat one
This grumpy girl is Cassie, she was career changed as a pup and she lives with some club members. It was hot and she was tired - so I really can't blame her for grumpy-ness.  
Here are some nice guys! not grumpy at all
To close things off here is the true grump-a-lump


pafuso said...

Waffle isn't fat! She's just a little squishy, in a good way!

Dexter said...

Yuh, ditch the mental leader. Ruins the fine lines of your pointy little snooter. I like you full sized pal. He was kind to let you pin him.
