Friday, December 5, 2008


So the talk on the blogs is all about the Peticure and pedicure, that sander thing to file down your pups nails. I admit I have been tempted every time I walk down the 'As Seen on TV' isle at Walgreens, it looks fun, but someone said it could still hurt the dog. Anyone use any of these on their pups.
So all this talk of nails made me look at the Wafflers toes, and it's weird I guess she must have rear wheel drive, cuz her back feet are much shorter than her front. I'm thinking I might have to trim those front nails. Front right paw
back paw much shorter
She has such nice even toe nails. A funny story about her and her toes -I was putting her in the tub to give her a bath and she reached out and curled her nails around the shower door frame and was holding on so I couldn't put her in! Stinker.

nice fury toes.
Ok, do you want to know the truth behind this post about toe nails. I'm procrastinating... I have to turn in my unit program plan for the next academic year and posting pictures of my dog's toe nails is more interesting than estimating staffing needs for next year (although it is kind of important). I think I've hit a new low.

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