Saturday, May 9, 2009

Let me count the ways....4

let me count the ways why I love being a career change pup. Let me just say...


Infrequent Flyers said...

Woo hoo for Lani! I love Waffle's tooth sticking out in that photo. Frosty Paws--wow, that's enough to make any dog go CC--good thing Cabana doesn't know about such yummy treats!

Megan and Orleans said...

Prudy used to love Frosty Paws too. It was always so hard to find and I felt a little silly asking store employees where the doggie ice cream was. :D

Carrie and Waffle said...

lucky our store stocks them right with the people ice cream novelties! I used to have to sneak them to Waffle when Lani wasn't around.