Sunday, May 31, 2009

find your happy place

I've had dogs who suckle in their sleep, it is always very cute, but Nisha is the first pup I've had to actually suck on something. She started by sucking on the edge of a pillow, she'd only suck on it, never chew it or destroy it. She would settle down on the pillow and before long she was fast asleep. After chatting with her mom, I found out she has a favorite toy at her house that she does that with all the time. It seems to be her big comfort item. Well we went out and bought her a soft cudley toy so she could have one here. She really really loves it, and she is freakin' adorable when she does. You can actually she her calming down and going to her happy place. The one in the video is actually a sub that we found so we could wash the spit out of the other one.

One night we tried to take it from her mouth after she was asleep, it was wedged in there not moving it. She kind of kneads it with her feet as well. You can jsut see her little toes moving.

MY HAPPY PLACEFinally a break through, two sleepy puppies.

The girls got baths this weekend, Nisha is a breeze to bath after the Drama Queen herself. Waffle got to go to the pet store to buy dog food. They were having a huge 20% off sale so it was packed with dogs of all sizes. She sniffed rears all afternoon not a bad thing if you are a dog.

On Saturday Nisha went with me to a volunteer gig I do at the Youth Hostel, after which we walked around the outdoor mall. We went to 3 dog bakery to get Waffle a treat (sorry Nisha, but hey you don't know what you are missing) and then on to Penzy's spice store. I was watching her to see what her reaction would be to all the sharp smells, but she did fine. We still had to find the bank and walk back to the parking structure, I could tell she was tired, so we stopped to watch the people and traffic go by. A quick stop at the fish store, a long nap in the car and she was back home wrestling with her best pal Waffle. No big melt downs, on this trip, I think she has finally accepted that while I am the substitute teacher, she does have to listen to me. YEAH NISHA!
All in all a good weekend - Hope everyone else had a good one too.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Monthday to ME

I'm 6 months old today
Bring on the Celebration!

I hate shopping - or advantages of being a puppy

"What! I'm in the car!"

"no those pants don't make you look fat"


"I'm on strike where is my union rep. I thought it was in our contract no shopping."

So Nisha has definite opinions about shopping. SHE HATES IT. Forget fabric stores we were at Eddie Bauer and she demonstrated her knowledge of fire safety, and two steps into the door, stopped, dropped and rolled. Then laid there. It was then that I remembered "d'oh! she still a baby" so I should be glad she lasted as long as she did, I guess that last store pushed her over the edge.
Two advantages of being a puppy and having a melt down 1) no screaming and crying and 2) everyone thinks it was soooo cute that she was tired of shopping.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dog Meeting

I finally remembered to bring my camera to our meeting. Our club has gotten a lot more fun now that we have more people and dogs in the group. Nisha is the only girl right now, and until recently Palmetto and her have been the same size but he has sprouted legs! But first the Birthday boy himself, Foxfire. He is the big boy of the club with everyone else still in single digits. Oddly enough his brother CC'd pup Tabasco is a very ligh yellow as opposed to this red head.

Here is Tabasco the 2nd , he just came down from Olympia Washington, his handler went to school up there, lives here but will be transferring to UCSB in the fall, so he is here just for the summer. His raiser was in our club when Tabasco the 1st was in training, so very co-winky-dink when she got Tabasco 2. He is such a little guy big heart though.
Mr. Palmetto, or Dumbo as I like to call him. His ears ARE HUGE! They hang down, flap in the wind, he wipes his mouth with them - just kidding, but I did hear his raiser reference the flying nun

Last shot of Mr. Foxfire, he was perfect with all his commands, just as a big boy should be.
At our meeting we worked on a few things. I had called a head to get my leader out to the car, because I have been having problems getting Nisha out of the car, before she wouldn't go in, now she won't get out. We have been lifting and pulling her out. This morning I tricked her - I rattled her kibble bag and she came rushing out. Also she has been kind of zoning me out, not listening until I correct her. So they borrowed the big boy's collar and tried her out with better results, So Nisha I guess you are moving up.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Dog Raisers....

We are all soooo tied into each other. I've been reading everyone else's blog and I guess all our pups went swimming this weekend!


Nisha loves to play in the wading pool, it is kind of cool to see a lab who likes water. My three just never got the hang of it. Nisha has even inspired Waffle to get into the water! Just her feet, but still she went in on her own. She is adorable, Nisha will root around with her nose in the water, blowing bubbles. It is the cutest thing. She won't lay down in it, but is pretty much soaked at the end of it all.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Downtown Disney

The Peeps took me to Downtown Disney today. I'm still too young to go in the park, they said they would steal me away sometime in September and take me.

We couldn't ride any rides, but I practiced on the tram. I was really good even when a bunch of people jumped on at the last minute. I sat up straight and watched everything go by. When it went bumpty-bump I didn't even flinch. I think I'm ready for Small World. I had a good time, there was soooo much to see and sniff. Everyone was great to me, I looked hot and the nice Disney people gave me a huge cup of ice.
Don't I look cool in my shades?

Do you think my mommy would like this? she makes really good kibble
Hanging out by the bench

The directional between CA Disney and D-Land

Whose the pretty girl? ME!

N is for NISHA! Hard to see me - occupational hazard of being a black lab
Even with a pink collar people kept calling me a boy, didn't bother me, I just wanted to talk to everyone. Every where I turned I found someone else who wanted to be my friend. BFF kept saying something about distraction
I really hate my halti, no I mean I really hate my halti. I take the name literally and while wearing it I sometimes go on strike and just stop in my tracks. I guess it is my way of protesting the unfair treatment of us pups. Just because I like to sniff around, and eat snacks off the floor and chase birds shouldn't mean that I have to wear the yoke of human oppression.

At this place they had tons of really cute clothes, shoes and toys, but thank goodness they were too small for me. They were eyeing this winnie the pooh outfit, hope the next puppy they get is a chunky money otherwise there might be one silly looking picture in it's future.
Kawabunga Dude! So we walked around and did a little shopping, and had a snack. I say we 'cuz I found my own on the floor of the restaurant. Smart right! The peeps kept calling me a squirmy wormy - but I'm a puppy silly people.

All in all I had a good day, I had to pose for a lot of pictures, lucky the camera battery died but not before I got tired of picture taking.

I'm outta here.

March 19th By Nisha

Well ok, Waffle's BFF did, I'm not registered in this district. But I was there for moral support.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

They Love her!

Yes They really really love her!

Well Mom got a call at home today about Lani's future. I guess they have pulled her from training, she gets to spend her days hanging out in puppy raising. Everyone says she is a sweetie pie (but what lab isn't?) and was napping under someone's desk (mom forgot who she was talking to *sigh*). But based on our information they think she will go into season around Aug/Sept which means Lani babies 'round Dec. they should be ready to go around Feb. BUT let's not count puppies not yet conceived.

We've been invited to a graduation, we just need to pick one. I guess we are sticking with GDB for now, Mom is thrilled about choosing names for her grandpups, and YES we will raise one - we hope a yellow girl. Right now they are still looking for just the right family to place her with, I'll know more later.

**Waffle Update**
she is such the drama queen. Thank you to all her well wishers the patient should pull through. Although for the 1st day or 2, there was a lot of whimpering and 3 legged hopping she seems to be getting better. No crying, but she put herself on bed rest yesterday. Seriously she spent the day in her basket, usually she would follow mom around or go outside to sun herself, nope just laid there. I could hear the dramatic sighs all the way at my office. We'll post pictures when the bandage comes off tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's Official!

It's official! Lani has been selected to be a breeder!

Didn't want to say anything because life changes all the time. But we are happy and sad. I really do want one of my dogs to graduate, but I am pleased that GDB thinks she is a perfect dog - which we all know she is ;) . But what is she doesn't want to be a Mommy?
Kind of sad, she won't be in season until sometime around September, so mom wants her back home until then. But we are just a bit out of the 50 mile range to be breeder keepers. Any blogger friends live with in the limit and want to be a keeper? Lani's a love, she was a really cute, rolly polly puppy, and she has very good house manners! I'd love to be able to keep up with her future endeavors

Congratulations my Lani-Lu hope you like being a mommy

Monday, May 18, 2009

the most expensive manicure

My day-glow accessories I wanted pink for her but I guess this wrap had some bitter apple stuff in it.
I told them I wouldn't chew on it - but BFF reminded me about Nisha and all her 'help'

so I tucked it away.
This morning my bandage came off while I was playing with Nisha and I hurt my foot again. Something happened and my toe was burning! It really hurt, I was crying and shaking. BFF and Mom were trying to calm me down, I wouldn't let them touch it, my nail was sticking out from my foot. BFF though she could put it back in place - WRONG, mom wanted to wrap it, cuz as I was trying to get away from them I kept snagging it on stuff. We all calmed down and after some Internet surfing for 1st aid, we were off to the vet.
I was hoping they could just trim my nail, but noooo the Doc wanted to yank it out! I think she was a bit loopy, YANK IT OUT! ARE YOU CRAZY! BFF asked about pain meds, but they wanted to try without it 1st. I guess it was deeper than they thought so I got poked three times - which hurt too btw. But in the end it worked out. My entire quick is exposed, I have to wear my day glow for the next three days, and take anti-biotics for 5 days. I'm glad I get to go home, the labbie next to me broke his leg jumping out of a truck. Makes my ouchie look like a bad manicure.


you know when you bend you nail back past the quick.....

well that is the Waffler right now. We are waiting for the vet to open.

I always feel like....

Someone is watching over me....

Nisha here, I stole into the back room to type on this blog.

1st I'm sending waggs and slurpy dog kisses to my mommy, I wish I could be there to keep you company as you get better. Don't worry I'm having a great time at Waffle's house. But I miss you and my other doggy friends.

Time sure does pass quickly or maybe it is because I have short term memory but Waffle's Mom and Best Friend sure are nice. They have the best toys! There is this magic toy! It looks kind of round but when you pull on it it gets longer and longer and longer! I had one end and I started to chew and kept growing and growing and growing, i had to run out down the hall. It was like, like ... it was like chasing me. I tried to eat it all, but the peeps saw me and they laughed at me! I though wow not only am I cute but entertaining. Yet some how don't know why I ended up in the kennel on time out. Waffle sat on the pretty princess bed and lectured me though the bars, turns out that the peeps get a bit bent when you play with toilet paper, I think if they just pooped in the yard life would be easier. They have other neat toys too, this other one is like toilet paper but it is called Kleenex! you can sit there and pull out a new squishy chewy tasty toy. When you pull out one - out pops another one! Cool Beans!

I tell you WM and BFF and Waffle herself are great but lately I get this feeling they don't trust me, someone is always watching me. I wonder why?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

ouchie and updates

Thanks to Elizabeth and Peyton I have found a picture of the new Tacoma. I say new because my 1st PIT and problem child was Tacoma she was CC'd back around 2 1/2 years ago. So it is not surprising that her name was put back in circulation. Good luck Tacoma do your name proud!
On to other news, Waffle has an ouchie or in baby Japanese 'itai-itai'. Her dew claw got caught on something and there was some blood. Hard to tell what if anything got torn. I washed it off with some soap and water and wrapped it up. Tomorrow I'll take her into the vet to get it looked at. She was a good sport about getting her foot wrapped, but she really didn't like it.
Checking it out, don't think it is actually that bad, but I'd rather they cut her nail than me.

Waffle and Nisha working on removing the bandage
I'm surprised that GDB doesn't remove dew claws when they are babies. I was just reading on the yahoo boards about a guide who had the same problem.

Nisha such the helpful house guest.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I think 5 months is a little too young for theater. She slept through the 1st half, but she was a bit critical of the second, grunting, groaning, and snoring her way through it. I kept having to nudge her with my foot. Lucky for her the people around her thought it was cute.

But for a munchkin she handled the crowds and the stairs pretty well. We are still learning to communicate with each other. She has selective hearing, and is quite shocked that I know the rules! Next couple of days will be interesting


it has come to my knowledge that The Waffler seems to be a bit disturbed by our new house guest. The drama queen at her best. I do admit that Nisha is a bit of a handful - the black stuff you can just see is the charcoal she ate out of the smoky joe - a chaser to the dead aloe vera plant she ate before that. She is a cutie, just over 5 months with lots of confidence. She has this ridiculously long tail that she wags in a circular motion. Her muzzle is wide compared to her skull, so my guess is she getting ready for a big growth spurt. 'cuz it would be cruel joke to leave her a bit mis proportioned. She gets to go to the theater with me tonight, so lets hope she enjoys the spoken word.
I've tried to explain to her that Waffle is not a chocolate Easter bunny and to leave her ears alone. You forget it been a long time since we had a puppy-puppy and Lani was such a good kid you forget what a lab can get into. (why where my bunny socks outside again?)

it's worse than I thought...

it is a cannibal. It has been trying to eat my ears!

No picture people remember NO THUMBS! I'll see what I can do. But it shouldn't be hard to recongnize the monster, I'm the cute adorable AND well behaved one.


ok here is the poop on the new pup. BFF volunteered to watch Nisha while her human mom was recovering from surgery. They have been telling me all week about Nisha, Nisha, Nisha I just tuned them out.... that will teach me I guess.

Right now it is ok they've got her caged up. She thinks she is sooo cute, showing off the 'go to bed' command. But I've got her number, I didn't flunk out of dog school for nothin'. Watch out Nisha tomorrow's another day.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


sshhhh, we've been invaded

help! if you can read this send reinforcements.

the bff brought home this thing! it's running a muck- i've snuck onto the computer and I'm typing in the dark (pretty good considering webbed toes and lack of thumbs). She calls it Nisha - I her a PITA!

oh man they are falling for the adorable cuteness - I need to step in.

I'll be back......

Sunday, May 10, 2009

how'd did she do it?

Ok the Waffler must have some yet to be discovered talents, 'cuz I'm tryin' to figure out how the dog who is hiding in the back bed room ever got to phase 9!
We are bbqin' for Mothers Day (happy mom's day to you all - but you should really remember those who puts down the kibble every day not just today!) and the smell of the smoky joe has freaked her out. she won't come outside and when I went to light the 'q' she ran to the farthest corner of the yard and refused to walk or even run past the lit bbq. Go figure
so tell me again how she made it that far? Money/love/ yet to be defined mad skills?
Oh Waffle-ly

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Let me count the ways....4

let me count the ways why I love being a career change pup. Let me just say...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Who made the cut?

Lani the wanna be calendar girl
Hey the GDB news letter said they had chosen the the pups for the calendar - who got in?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

cold tail treatment - get over it

Tacoma, Spring 2006

Well since Waffle isn't talking to me right now I'll tell you all the latest Taco story. A few weeks ago her person took her up to Mamoth to go cross country skiing. I guess she loves the snow and gets to go with them every winter, she still hates the water but I guess snow is ok. Well they were skiing across an icy bridge and a flock of ducks set up a ruckus right below them in the water. Well Taco the nutcase, swerves to see what's up and she falls into the river below. Lucky it is not too fast and with a bit of coaxing she was able to make her way to the side. She rolled around in the snow to dry off and they went on the their way. Back at the car, the snow had melted and the bumper was wet and when the princess touched the wet bumper she pulled back her paw and jumped into the car so she wouldn't have to touch the water. I guess I couldn't blame her.

Why is Waffle giving me the cold tail treatment? Well it started with her frontline on Thursday nite, which she hates. I waited until she was asleep and I ambushed her - which pissed her off enough that she went to sleep in my mom's room. Then I had to work this weekend so I was out of town which meant no walkies - and when I got home Sunday, instead of a walk she got a bath. Needless to say I'm not her favorite person now.
Do I care? Waffle get over it!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Let me count the ways....3

Waffle: Continuing on with my theme of why I LOVE being a career change pup.....MY BED! I prefer three pillows and the down comforter. Some times I make due with sleeping at the foot, but it is best when my BFF is in there acting as a pillow/heater. Nothing better.

Carrie: Waffle ummm YOUR bed?

Waffle: (flashing those puppy eys) Love you.... (smile, wag tail, kisses)

Carrie: well wipe your feet before you come up. But no pillows

Waffle: Works every time.