One night we tried to take it from her mouth after she was asleep, it was wedged in there not moving it. She kind of kneads it with her feet as well. You can jsut see her little toes moving.
The girls got baths this weekend, Nisha is a breeze to bath after the Drama Queen herself. Waffle got to go to the pet store to buy dog food. They were having a huge 20% off sale so it was packed with dogs of all sizes. She sniffed rears all afternoon not a bad thing if you are a dog.
On Saturday Nisha went with me to a volunteer gig I do at the Youth Hostel, after which we walked around the outdoor mall. We went to 3 dog bakery to get Waffle a treat (sorry Nisha, but hey you don't know what you are missing) and then on to Penzy's spice store. I was watching her to see what her reaction would be to all the sharp smells, but she did fine. We still had to find the bank and walk back to the parking structure, I could tell she was tired, so we stopped to watch the people and traffic go by. A quick stop at the fish store, a long nap in the car and she was back home wrestling with her best pal Waffle. No big melt downs, on this trip, I think she has finally accepted that while I am the substitute teacher, she does have to listen to me. YEAH NISHA!
All in all a good weekend - Hope everyone else had a good one too.